Tuesday 19 June 2018

TASK 1K: Sources of Information

TASK  1K: Sources of Information

My main source of information, and one I could consider to be the vast majority of peoples would be Web 2.0 platforms. The umbrella for these platforms is huge and covers a range of platforms from social media (such as Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) to research and development sites (such as Wikipedia, Blogspot & many independent sites). Whilst completing the modules first few tasks I opened myself up to a far deeper engagement to my communication technologies. The effect of this on my learning for the module has been huge. Before commencing the course I would use the Internet daily for various things but never really put any thought into the research into such platforms to support a professional career, therefore not engaging myself to the bigger picture of Web 2.0 platforms. Now understanding in detail the platforms we have at our disposal the Architectures of participation for my career have hugely developed. Doing so has allowed a broader range of information for me to harness  collective intelligence from casting directors, colleagues and friends. Now putting me in a far better position for developing my knowledge and knowing how to bridge the gap between creator and audience! 

Since 2010 the use of Web 2.0 platforms has skyrocketed and now the Internet is a place in which self-promotion and showcasing is almost fundamental, which leads my to my second course of information - Colleagues & Friends. Not only does this source happen online for me but in person too. Having done a variety of jobs I've met a variety of people, all of which I keep in contact with on some form of platform. Spending time with people who know and understand your profession elevates the judgement one can feel when trying to explain an audition or a change of agent from someone in the unknown. They not only provide a safety blanket for reassurance but colleagues and friends are able to share their pool of information with you broadening your knowledge of the happenings and upcoming changes within your profession. With Web 2.0 platforms being so accessible and reaching such a huge audience with even knowing a smoke share of a post from a colleague could give you information you require. Having said that, it doesn't come without risks as mentioned in Task B. I think social media can be a fabulous source at the disposal of so many people, however the differentiation of personal and professional must be clear and not interlinked in my opinion.

With working in such a competitive industry, self reflection and evaluation is always something I've used as a source and been very aware of. However starting the course, beginning research and the Module Readers have opened my eyes to far more ways of evaluation and the theories behind them which, much like Web 2.0 platforms, I had never really considered before! Task G led me to want to further look into my own conceptualisation of training, learning and progression. Boud describes reflection as 'taking the unprocessed, raw material of experience and engaging with it in a way that makes sense' (Boud, 2001) taking my own level of reflection to a whole new one! This single sentence gave definition to something I had been missing. The Raw Material. Giving me the key something I always feared I was missing. The unknown. When reflection in the past I would be disheartened that I didn't know something or an audition didn't go well and choose not to use those techniques again. After this module I know look to it as something I should nurture and develop for next time, not shut it out as a tool that didn't work. Boud took something I used as an informal internal task to something I could really learn from and develop making reflection a key source in my professional development. 

Networking is another constant source I use within my practice and one that is constant. Having been made so aware of my online content starting from the first few tasks, making sure I get myself chatting to the necessary people is becoming more important. In task 1D I mention I have created a new Instagram account promoting my work including choreography and singing. When out at press nights, events, members clubs & gigs, when networking with industry professionals I'm able to give them access to a professional Web 2.0 platform, one in which I don't only get to stay connected to them, they're also able to see my work! Using knowledge learned from pervious tasks that I have taken into effect I've developed another source.  

5 -. Training....i.e - singing lessons, teaching, acing class.

Module 2: One.

Module 2: One. As explained in my previous post I will be blogging about questions that have often come up in discussions with people i...