Monday 9 April 2018

TASK 1J: Theories Relating To Networking

TASK J: Theories Relating To Networking

With getting started on this task I found it a lot harder than any pervious to get my thoughts together. Linking the theories together to form any sort of blog doesn't seem to be happening for me! (Anyone else find that?) So here goes my thoughts - apologies for the awful construction. 

Affiliation is something I touched on in my TASK H blog, but having dived deeper into the theory behind it, it has been made much clearer. 'The tendency to affiliate is something people have from early on in their lives' (Crisp, J & Turner, R.,2007) which is something I've never considered! It's an per-historic, animalistic way of learning which has led to the evolution of the world for thousands of years, showing us is WORKS! It's helped with development of mankind so naturally it would be a great tool for development of a career. That being said, during my research into this theory I came to the unserstadning that Crisp & Turner see affiliation as a tool to use when unsure of a decision. Almost as a safety next for an action, weather that being something we have instinctively learned or been taught or through our friends and group of people that understand the processes of our profession and can lend support and confirmation when necessary. My personal need for affilliation differs dependant on my mood. I have days in which everything I do I require another view to stabilise the thinking I've done something wrong and some I feel strong and perfectly accurate in my own ability. This links perfectly to the privacy regulation theory (Altman, 1975) as well as the social affiliation model (O'Connor & Rosenblood, 1996). 

Privacy Regulation Theory:

This theory explains the switch between seeking affiliation and being closed off is constantly changing, even from minute to minute, depending on actual and desired level of either privacy or interaction. On the ever moving continuum if the actual out weights the desired the affiliation in which we seek will change. 

Social Affiliation Model:
'This model proposes that rather than showing wide variations in our need to affiliate, we operate according to the principle of homeostasis.'  (Crisp, J & Turner, R.,2007). Homeostasis being the stable constant maintenance of an organism (person). I take this to literally mean the natural chemical change within a person to regulate a feeling, or the like. 

Relating this back to my profession and my own personal experience with this theory dependant on previous daily factors and happenings the level of my own affiliation varies. It's nice to know I'm not moody or needy, it is in face scientific!

As well as affiliation,  the communities of practise theory (Lave & Wenger, 1991) is one of great interest to me. The COP theory is something that I have been unintentionally talking part in for years, and I'm sure others have too. It refers to “groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” Other than the obvious being schooling, from day one of training to be an actor this theory has been engaged. For an easy definition I would describe a COP as groups who have the same interest and passion in something, that by engaging in the said activity develop their skills by interacting and sharing. Which can be a great tool for learning and development of skills. This is the same process that is present when, for example, taking an acting class or dance class. For me personality the use of communities in practise in performing is incredibly beneficial! During my research I discovered globally recognised leader in social learning, Etienne Wenger-Trayner put together a table in which to easily see ways in which communities of practice are used completing tasks and activities in ones workplace or environment. The table reveals ways to develop practices and examples of how. it includes areas such as problem solving, seeking experience & documenting ideas. It's given me a huge help in understanding fully the definitions and uses or COP. 

Since reflecting on the ideas learnt in this task it has come to light that I should broaden my community in which I seek development from. currently I have my peers from drama school, who are now close friends, as well as other industry professionals in varying areas, which I use accordingly to the situation. Again, as mentioned in one of my pervious blogs I would like to join an acting class as well as a singing class which I can attend regularly. Not only will this give me development in my industry from people fresh faces and people I don't know. but will also keep up my skills and help them to remain current in this ever changing industry. I still have a few ideas to digest in this matter, but for now I'm pretty happy what what I've learnt, understood and linked back to pervious research in this module! 

H x 


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